Garden & Gravel


A blog about my thoughts, what I’m working on or reading, or how I feel about important events in the world. The opinions in these blogs are my own and you are welcome to share your own in the comments. I only ask that you be respectful and polite.

Tina Campbell Tina Campbell

I Want to Get to Know You!

Hello friends! As we begin to wind down the first month of the year, I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out and get to know you a little. One of my big dreams this year is to begin creating a community built around gratitude, creativity, and a love for nature.

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Tina Campbell Tina Campbell

Gratitude Practice

Welcome to 2022! I don’t know about you, but I am flying into this new year with more joy and excitement than I can ever remember, and I believe that it’s due to one simple practice…gratitude.

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