Garden & Gravel


A blog about my thoughts, what I’m working on or reading, or how I feel about important events in the world. The opinions in these blogs are my own and you are welcome to share your own in the comments. I only ask that you be respectful and polite.

Photography Tina Campbell Photography Tina Campbell

Nature Healing

Nature’s ability to heal…to turn destruction into fuel for its future self, to understand so intrinsically the importance of creating and recreating…never giving up…maybe that’s my connection to it. Maybe that’s why I feel so drawn to it and why I find spending time in it so healing.

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Photography Tina Campbell Photography Tina Campbell

My Week in a Yurt

Yurt…the perfect dwelling for those who would love the experience of camping but don’t own a camper and no longer find sleeping in a tent exciting or fun. It’s glamping, with the bonus, in my experience, of a kitchenette.

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