Fence Row Photography

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What I Want to Say

I have sat down several times over the past week to work on this blog and every single time I’ve come up empty. I’m not sure what to say or share, I’m not sure what I do have to say matters or that it will be heard. Then, last night, I was reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic and came across this simple sentence. “Just say what you want to say, then, and say it with all your heart.” Here is what I want to say…

I am a photographer. The very process of picking up my camera, bringing it to my eye and placing that tiny square on the scene in front of me feels like something I have done my entire life. In truth, I have. Long before I ever held a camera, I walked through life seeing it in pictures. Capturing vivid memories of people and places; snap shots, defined by colors, textures, and light. 

I want to take photos and share them not because I need other people’s approval or likes, but because I love it. The more negative noise I hear, the more I want to break it up with photos of the things that bring me peace and joy. 

We’ve all seen that bumper sticker “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” I recently heard someone change it completely up and I love it. Instead…What would you still do even if you failed?  It’s so incredibly true because the reality is we are going to fail. There is no success without it. What would you still do even if you failed?