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Morning Routine…Part 3.

8 Steps to Creating A Simple Morning Routine.

“Your morning routine generates a 10x return for good or bad. Make it for the good.” author unknown

On a beautiful day in January 2017 I found myself sitting in a cubicle, literally crying through scripted phone calls. I was absolutely and completely miserable, but that is what it took for me to finally make a change.

That morning I had left the house early so I could get in a little walk before work. It was one of those unseasonably warm days in January when you cannot help but dream of spring. During my walk I became overwhelmed at the prospect of going to work, knowing in my heart of hearts that it was not where I belonged. Driving home that night, still in tears, I understood that nothing was going to change if I didn’t.

During that morning walk I sincerely appreciated that I had that time and I was struck by the idea that I could create a life that allowed me to enjoy every morning. It was then that I began to make small changes that I have built on over the consequent years. I don’t think its a coincidence that focusing on my morning routine has impacted everything.

As I close out this series I wanted to share my strategy for creating a routine that is simple and has an impact that reaches far beyond that first cup of coffee.

  1. GET A VISION: I know, you probably hear this a lot, but I am living proof that envisioning what you want, really does work. It’s very difficult to get directions when you don’t know where you are going. So, your first assignment; Take a morning and daydream about how you want your mornings to look. Write it down. Get a clear picture of your perfect morning.

  2. GET UP EARLY: Seriously…just do it. Set an alarm. Put your alarm clock or phone across the room so that you have to get up to shut it off. If you’re serious about creating a morning that you love and look forward to, you cannot continue to hit the snooze and hope that anything will change. Assignment 2: Set your alarm an hour earlier than normal. JUST DO IT!

  3. GIVE YOURSELF SPACE: For the first week or two, just allow your morning to come naturally. Especially if you are not a morning person. If you need to spend a few moments sitting on the couch or gazing out a window, or stepping outside, then do it. Try different approaches and pay attention to what feels best. (And, NO, going back to bed is not an option.) Assignment 3: Journal each morning and take note of how different approaches make you feel.

  4. GRATITUDE: If you know me at all, you knew this was coming. This one thing has had the absolute biggest impact on my mornings and my life. It is very difficult to start your day wrong when you start it with gratitude. Here’s the trick, think small. Do not list obvious things like family, food, shelter…go deeper by going smaller. Assignment 4: Somewhere in your morning, write down 3-5 things you are grateful for. I am so passionate about this! I promise if you do this practice consistently, and do nothing else from this blog, you will still see incredible changes. I believe it so much that my next post is going to be just about this practice.

  5. GET CONSISTENT: Okay, as you begin to get accustomed to getting up earlier and make notes of what helps you ease into your day, I want you to start forming a consistent routine. Assignment 5: Write down at least 4 things you want to do every morning. My first five looked something like this:

    Wake up and get out of bed right away.

    Put on comfortable socks and a sweater.

    Fill up my water cup.

    Make coffee.

    Gratitude practice.

  6. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE: Sometimes I have a schedule that interferes with my morning routine. Traveling can really play a number on it. In those instances I have one thing that I will not give up, my gratitude practice, but I let the other stuff go for that occasion. Be willing to give yourself some grace when the morning falls apart of gets away from you and get right back to it the next day. Assignment 6: Know your deal breakers. What things will you not skip, no matter what your morning brings.

  7. GROW: Allow yourself time to really build up your routine. Don’t be afraid to try different things. If you try meditation and it feels uncomfortable, do not think you have to keep doing it. Try it a few times and maybe different kinds before giving it up completely. I like guided versions that are short and not too woo-woo but it took me a while to figure that out. YouTube is a great source for almost any kind of meditation. Think about things that really bring you that sense of calm and find ways to incorporate it into your routine. For the first 6 months to a year, and even beyond, your routine will change and evolve. Assigment 7: On your calendar schedule a routine check-up. Add to your initial list of must do’s as your morning routine evolves.

  8. GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING: Always return to your vision but realize that it may change a little too as you progress or as your life changes. Keeping your vision clear and making it a priority will help to make sure you stay consistent and see change. Assignment 8: Rewrite your vision every year. Watch and see how it changes.

In the four years since I began this process I have left the world of cubicles and committed to never again getting a “job” but instead, doing work that falls in line with my values and passions. I am blessed and understand that not everyone has that opportunity. However, I do believe that we can create that reality, if we first envision it and follow our hearts and begin our days with gratitude. The best part, we can begin this process no matter where we find ourselves on the journey. Just start simple; start with your morning routine and see where it takes you.