Fence Row Photography

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I Want to Get to Know You!

Hello friends! As we begin to wind down the first month of the year, I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out and get to know you a little. One of my big dreams this year is to begin creating a community built around gratitude, creativity, and a love for nature. 

That community begins here, with those who read this blog or signed up for my emails. First, please know that this will never be about numbers. At this moment, I have 13 people on my email list and two of those are mine that I use for testing purposes, and I’m okay with that. Of course, I want others to join in but what I really hope for is a place where everyone feels heard, encouraged, and inspired. 

Currently I am working on honing my bi-weekly email to include the following areas beginning in February and I would love your feedback. 

  • Photos of the Month Feature: sharing my favorite photos taken throughout the month, with the possibility of featuring other photographers and their stories.

  • Gratitude prompts: 14-days of prompts to help encourage others to start their own gratitude practice.

  • What’s Up In the Garden: a short piece talking about what is happening in the garden or what’s important to look for or get ready for in the coming weeks.

  • Hand’s On: What I’m learning, making, or reading. This might be photos, stories, or short videos. It will include projects I’m working on as well as answers to questions I may get from friends and email subscribers.

So, what from this list resonates with you? What does not? Would you be interested in being featured?Would you be willing to submit questions or photos? Do you garden? Do you have a daily gratitude practice? Are you a photographer? Are there topics about gratitude, gardening, or photography that you wish to know more about? 

I want this time you spend with me to be meaningful, educational, and inspirational. If you have any other feedback now or in the future, know that I am always open and appreciative of constructive input. 

I look forward to to getting to know you as we continue to…

Find the beauty in the everyday!





If you’re reading this on my blog, please leave comments below or if you prefer, you can email me at: tina@fencerowphotography.com.

If you’re not subscribed to my emails and would like to sign up, simply go to www.fencerowphotography.com and scroll to the bottom.

If you are an email subscriber, you can simply reply to the email or check it out and join the conversation in the comments section of my blog at: www.fencerowphotography.com .